Trigger Warnings
If you want more information about content warnings that you’ve found in my books, are wondering, or are afraid because there are no content warnings, you will find all my content warnings below. But beware: below contains spoilers, so proceed at will, but please keep in mind the spoilery spoilers.
If the below doesn’t cut it, or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me about them by using my contact form or just hit me up on Facebook Messenger. I’m happy to talk about bookish stuff, including answering questions regarding triggers and things that upset the brain gremlins, as my friend so cutely calls them.
Also, if you read my books and think I missed a content warning, I WANT TO KNOW! I’m doing this from memory, and I may well have missed something important to you, and maybe to others. Please bring it to my attention. I promise I want them so I can add them to this list to help others. I also apologize in advance for any mental harm the lack may have caused or may cause in the future. I am adamant about mental health care and take it very seriously. I want my readers to feel safe while reading my books and want you to have the ammunition necessary to decide whether reading my books is in your best interests regarding your mental health journey.
Profanity—Assume all my books have lots of profanity.
Sexually Explicit Scenes—Assume all my books have sexually explicit scenes.
Insta-Love/Insta-Lust—Assume most of my stories (minus The God Jars Saga) contain Insta-Love and/or Insta-Lust.
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks—Kerac suffers intense anxiety and a few panic attacks.
- Bullying—Several Aesriphos Aspirants bully Kerac for his anxiety. (Some think it'll toughen him up.) The bullies eventually understand they're being assholes instead of helpful, apologize, and spend time trying to make up for it and learning how to help Kerac in the future.
- Emesis—I think there's vomiting in this book, but it is not graphic, nor is it focused on too heavily other than the post-sick comforting.
- Mild Ableism—They don't realize they're being ableist, but their actions are definitely ableist. See the Bullying spoiler.
- Violence—Training, but it can get intense.
- Abject Violence—Valis kills two bandits, and it's bloody and gory.
- Anxiety—Due to his father's abuse, Valis has anxiety throughout the series. He's slowly able to work through it and become functional.
- Depression—Valis shows signs of depression due to, well, his father being a dick all his life, like just about everything else in this list up to now. This slowly morphs throughout the series.
- (NOT) Grooming—Some say it appears that Kerac and Darolen are grooming Valis to be a sexual partner, but this is not the case. Please remember that this is not Earth; it is not our culture, nor is it our morals or laws. Valis watches Kerac and Darolen have sex because, at first, he thinks the moans from their tent are from Darolen hurting Kerac, but he stays to watch because it's beautiful and he's a curious young man (and a virgin). It eventually leads to Valis getting horny and taking matters into his own hands in his tent alone, followed by Kerac coming in and giving a gentle sex-ed lecture. I have had a few people think this means there are MMM elements, but there are not. The only romance here is Kerac and Darolen's love for each other, and their growing paternal love for Valis is not sexual or sexualized.
- Incestuous Longing—Valis's paternal uncle has tried grooming Valis from a young age but failed. When Valis encounters and bonds with Kerac and Darolen, his uncle tries his best to get him back to use as a magical battery and a sex slave. There is no incest. Asshole uncle just wishes there was. Uncle gropes Valis once if I remember correctly. I'm writing these content warnings from memory.
- Pedophilia—Valis's uncle has been lusting after Valis since he was young, mainly because he hates his younger brother having things (like a son) that he does not. It's only discussed or mentioned.
- PTSD—Valis has PTSD from growing up with a physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive father who took great pleasure in causing Valis various forms of agony. This stays with him for the most part throughout the series.
- Religion—This series has a religious system (not one in our real-life world) with a god/gods who are real, and show himself/themselves to Valis.
- Self-Harm—Valis is so broken from protecting himself and killing the bandits that he goes a bit insane. It culminates in him punching trees and roughly masturbating, trying his best to make it hurt for no other reason than to punish himself.Social and Generalized Anxiety—Valis is anxious of almost everything, much like a frightened rabbit, because his father was so evil. This continues throughout the series in varying degrees and manifesting in different ways, even as he learns to work past it.
- Abuse—Valis gets arrested because of Tavros throwing a fear-fueled tantrum and calling the guards due to Valis's Mark of Qos. Valis ends up in prison with his father and two other inmates. His father forces him to fight the inmates, and Valis murders them to save himself. His father then abuses him, traumatizing him, until Valis snaps, knocks Daddy Dearest out cold, and tries to scratch off his sire's Mark of Qos.
- Bullying—Tavros bullies the fuck out of Valis because he's terrified of Valis's Mark of Qos (tattooed behind his left ear in infancy by his abusive birth father) and later because of his black-laced magic. He thinks the magic is evil, therefore making the person wielding it evil. This persists through until late in Possessed.
- Violence—Some fights occur beyond the jail scene. They're not bad, but they're there.
- Trauma—From here on out, throughout the series, Valis works through his trauma to become who he is meant to be. Like in real life, it is a long and sometimes lifelong endeavor.
- Semi-Attempted Rape—Aryn doesn't realize that's what he's doing, but he tries to get Valis to have sex with Valis twice (I think), and Valis rebuffs him those two times, but Aryn tries to press the issue. It's hormones, as he's just coming into puberty (he's of age, just a slow-aging mage), and Valis is kind in his rejection. Aryn is horrified that what he did was attempted rape and sincerely apologizes. It should be noted that once, Aryn tried to initiate sex while Valis was sleeping, hence the one Dub-Con.
- War—Mentions throughout the series, and then battles in some later books.
- Bullying—Tavros is getting better because he got his hands figuratively smacked by his superiors, but he still bullies Valis a bit. In this book, he finally gets over himself. It's late in the book, though.
- Violence—The bullying ends up with Valis and Tavros dueling MMA style. It culminates in them knocking each other out.
- Violence 2.0—Valis and Tavros beat the dogshit out of some mercenaries. They also kill some, if I remember correctly. It leads to a talk about Tavros never killing someone and Valis helping him learn how to deal with taking lives.
- Semi-Dub-Con—It's not actually dubcon so much as they sleep-fondle while recovering in the same bed, and Tavros is completely asleep and dreaming, and gropes Valis. Valis desperately wants it but wants to keep his "purity" for Ezhav (the equivalent of a matrimonial soulbond), so he gently rebuffs Tavros. Tavros finally wakes up, and there's a discussion. When Valis tells him no, Tavros stops and goes to take a cold bath. He's respectful in a gruff, sleepy way and is kind once he's dealt with his horniness.
- Violence—There are several areas where Valis and friends murder mercenaries and evil shits. It's gory.
- Violence 2.0—In a battle in a town, there's gory, intense death all over the place.
- Intense Loss and Death—In a training session, Tavros gets a training sword to the throat that kills him. He's revived, don't worry, but the scene is intense.
- Animal Death—Valis's horse is injured in battle and dies of his injuries.
- Intense Loss 2.0—In a village scene after a battle, Valis finds a man holding his dead and decayed family, and it's rough. Very emotional.
- Suicide Ideations—That man with the decayed wife and daughter wants to kill himself and tries by trying to throw himself onto their pyre. Valis saves him and gently, kindly convinces him not to do it.
- Bullying—The Kalutakeni warriors bully the Mercenaries because they killed many of their brethren. Valis helps ease tensions, and it gets worked out.
- Glimpses of Torture Aftermath—Valis gets visions of someone sitting in their own filth after being tortured. It may trigger gag reflexes.
- Decapitation—An enemy or several gets divorced from their heads on the battlefield.
- Bullying—Hoo, boy. I didn't realize this was a recurring theme. Sorry about that. Two Aesriphos bully the shit out of Valis, calling him evil and such things, and on a couple of occasions, outright try to kill him. But, of course, they end up friends in the end. If you want to know more, hit me up. I want to keep spoilers to a minimum.
- Violence—Lots of fights where Valis and those Aesriphos butt heads and sling magic.
- Attempted Mobbing—Those two Aesriphos dicks try to get Valis's students to turn against them. They also try to get those students to complain to the Patron Priest to get Valis in chains.
- Child Abuse—Yep. Those two are at it again. They knock out and kidnap a child (about 8 in mundane human years) to use as bait to get Valis alone to try and capture him for nefarious purposes. They also bonk her on the head in front of Valis and threaten to slit her throat.
- PTSD—Several books deal with PTSD, but this one is one of the worst. They call it War Trauma. It doesn't go in-depth since it's experienced by side characters/enemies, but you see its effects on them and those around them.
- Bullying—Aryn bullies Valis and Tavros behind the scenes.
- Bullying 2.0—Tavros bullies Valis because he thinks Valis is calling the wedding off, but it's because he's going insane, himself.
- Gaslighting—Aryn gaslights Valis and Tavros about what they are seeing and experiencing. Tavros also gaslights Valis about what they're seeing and experiencing.
- Mental Health Issues—Aryn's so depressed and jealous that he's become deranged, and it lets the darkness in, tainting him with black magic, which sends him further into madness.
- Mental Health Issues 2.0—The turmoil from gaslighting and bullying sends Valis into a spiral. It causes severe and harmful rumination for him. "Nobody loves you" and other such nonsense goes around and around in his head until he starts believing it—that kind of thing.
- Violence / Attempted Fratricide—Aryn tries to kill his brother, Tavros.
- Abandonment—Valis feels like Tavros has abandoned him during their ordeals.
- Violence—Valis and Tavros must battle against the two Grand Master Aesriphos and win to be allowed to form an army and find and rescue his father from captivity. There's also violence in their training.
- Gaslighting—Brother Bachris is rather mean and adamant that Valis and his army will not go on their mission to rescue Darolen, and gaslights a bit to try and win the ongoing argument.
- Mentions of Torture, Torture Aftermath, and Torture Recovery—Kerac has escaped captivity and arrived at the monastery almost dead. It takes a lot to get him somewhat stable. But his mind is as broken as his body from emotional and physical torture. Torture isn't shown, but it is mentioned and discussed.
- Violence—There are several gory battles, especially the ones in the Anchor's home(s).
- Personal Injury and Sickness—Tavros nearly dies because he's thrown from his horse and breaks a leg, getting soaked in icy slush in the middle of a blizzard. He almost dies from pneumonia.
- Violence—There are a few battles. If I remember, they're rather intense. The violence will amp up with the following two books.
- Child In Danger—Aenali refuses to stay home and ends up helping in the final battles. She's rather badass. But she does not come to harm. She's just in danger of it.
- Violence—Several battles. The final few at the enemy monastery are the most intense. They're gory. One is rather dizzying and intense, with Valis flitting all around the battlefield murdering evil shits.
- Violence 2.0—Exploding enemies...
The Elven King's Captive
- Captivity/Kidnapping—Casersis keeps Dustin somewhat captive because Dustin is undergoing DNA rewrites to change him from Human to Elf. This started on accident when Dustin fell into him and touched a magic amulet.
- Cringy Idiots—Okay, look. Casersis is millions of years old, okay? Have you ever heard the saying that people become more childlike as they age? ("A man growing old becomes a child again." —Sophocles.) Well, it's true in a lot of cases. In good cases for Elves, it is a sign they're becoming wiser because to live forever as Elves do, you must keep a childlike wonder and keep learning new things. It's necessary for their mental health. In Casersis's case, he's a very family-oriented omega. His son, Kennan, turned his back on his father and exiled Casersis to Earth for daring to be against his non-soulbound pairing, refusing to marry them. After about four thousand years of exile, being alone, very, very rarely seeing another elf (only one!), and being in a constant battle against Erastus (a wolf shifter called a Wolvan), Casersis's mind has devolved into a clingy, traumatized mess. He clings to Dustin as a part of his family because he has none and hasn't for a very long time. And he and Dustin keep having the same/similar arguments and conversations because that's how trauma sometimes works.
- Deception—Casersis deceives Dustin because he's scared of Dustin leaving him. (He's lonely and it's driven him a bit batshit.)
- Gaslighting—Casersis tries it, but Dustin calls him on his bullshit and he knocks it off like a good omega. He didn't mean to be gaslighting, didn't realize that's what it was, he just wants to keep Dustin safe and is a former king, so he's not used to having to explain himself.
The Elven King's Love
- Cringy Idiots Kinda Continues—Please remember that trauma can sometimes take a long time to overcome. It can also take a long time to trust that those you love won't abandon you like previous loved ones have.
- Captivity Continues—But more annoying to Dustin than anything at this point.
Adradis Rising
Note that in this world, Mpreg is a thing, but not all books will result in a pregnancy, and the Mpreg is neither the focus of the story, nor is it displayed on page.If you get to the end and are fuming mad that you didn't get Sol'kyr's romance, it's coming in a different series. Stay tuned!
King's Heart
- Violence—There are several fights and an epic battle.
- Perceived Mental Illness—Camden/Kaiden was raised human, and their parents thought they were batshit insane, so forced them to go into psychiatric care and hospitalized him several times in his youth. There are mentions of this, as well as (if I remember correctly, I may have taken it out) a dream sequence during a coma where he relives shitty encounters with his psychiatrist and his awful therapist. These were based off real people from my own encounters with mental health "professionals." Don't get me wrong—Camden IS batshit crazy, but in the best ways, and not in the "I need help" ways.
- Past Child Abuse—Yeah, Camden's adoptive parents were... pieces of work. You see the after effects, and I think there are a couple throwaway lines, but it is not shown on page.
- Death/Murder—You're gonna hate me for this one, because it's a fan favorite character and they actively let me know their displeasure for murdering him. This is a huge spoiler, so... Taryn/Tovran is terrified of the Korxix because of a childhood incident. Camden/Kaiden houses the Korxix. When Tovran finds out, he's terrified of Camden, and dies scared of him, causing Camden massive trauma.
- Childbirth/Mpreg—It is not graphic. It is not really on screen. Near the end, you find out Kaiden is pregnant. At the end, you have one scene with his belly. Then you have a scene where he's just had birth and the baby is named. There is no blood or described birth.
Sol's Redemption
- PTSD & Trauma—Sol'kyr suffers PTSD from childhood trauma and deals with it a lot in this book.
- Pet Near Death/Dying—She DOES NOT DIE! She is only very ill and near death. It's intense, emotional, and harrowing for the characters.
- Pet Abandonment—It was not Camden/Kaiden's fault. Promise. Camden was pretty much kidnapped, and by the time Sol knew about the cat, the veil between worlds was already closed. So, in reality, it was no one's fault, it was an accident.
- Depression—Sol suffers depression from the trauma.
- Alcohol Abuse—Sol gets drunk and regrets it.
- Pleasure Slavery—Faolan is sold into "indentured servitude" to pay family debts, but he's really sold into slavery. He's then resold to a feared pirate captain as a pleasure slave.
- Child Abuse—Mentions of past child abuse.
- Sexual Abuse—almost happens, but he's saved before it gets to assault territory. He is watched while pleasuring himself, but he isn't touched in that scene.