Hierarchy of the Priesthood
Normal Priests
August Patriarch/Matriarch (This position is only known by a very select few.)
Lord-Priest Devout (Retired SP)
Sovereign Priest (Kyris Yavih)
High Priest
Patron/Matron Priest
Priest Initiate
Grand Master Aesriphos (Gold gilding)
Master Aesriphos (Blue and white enamel with Phaerith's star in gold)
Aesriphos Commander (Blue enamel design and Phaerith's star in white enamel)
Reliquary Guard [Guards the reliquary of the temple. More than 350 years of service.] (Blue enamel decoration with all gods' symbols in white enamel with gold accents.)
Cardinal Aesriphos [More than 200 years of service.] (Blue enamel decoration with Phaerith's symbol also in blue enamel.)
Aesriphos [More than 50 years of service.] (Blue enamel decoration)
Aesriphos Valiant [Just entered Ezhav] (No decoration)
Aspirant (Not used often, mostly assumed)
Note: Armor gilding and decoration are only for ceremonial use.